Monday, April 12, 2010


As a pig tailed chubby-cheeked youth, one of my favorite movies was Cinderella. I believe I thought it was enchanting that birds and mice called upon her melodically in the morning to awaken her. Plus Cinderella had such a beautiful singing voice. As my mother tells the story I would walk around the house humming and singing (in the spirit of Cinderella) while my arms flailed in the air to the rhythm of my songs.

It is now, approximately, 18-20 years later and for those of you who know me, I hate mornings. If I get up before noon I am proud of myself and feel like I have accomplished some rare feat unknown to human kind. Also, Cinderella is no longer my favorite movie, actually Inglorious Basterds is in the current top running. So why now does God decide that he will grant my childhood wish of living the life of Cinderella?? Why now, when I live in the "f-ing hood" does he decide that birds need to melodically fight and screech outside my window at 6 'o clock in the morning, EVERY morning? They are resilient, feisty and most of all LOUD! Throwing M&M's at them does not deter them, neither does yelling or sticking my "bird" finger at them out the window. All I can help think now, is what a cruel trick it was for Disney to play on a small impressionable child. They manipulated me into thinking it was glorious and beautiful to be awaken to the beautiful song of a bird, when in reality it's something similar to what I might imagine hell to be like.

If they would at least be useful and eat the massive amounts of Box Elder bugs we will soon be having poor through our windows, then I will accept them. Until then I am getting a water gun! And possible writing a letter to Disney Incorp.

1 comment:

  1. Get a Super Soaker it holds more water and shoots further. The Darlings can adise on brands and features. Have fun Cinderella!
